Recaptured Paradise

~Bhavyta Anand

"There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colours are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again".
~Elizabeth Lawrence

The memories of childhood have their own place in an individual’s heart.
As we grew up we realised how good those days were when we used to live in a world of fairytales.
A world where there were no anxieties, no worries, no hatred , no hint of how the outside world was .

 When we were small , all we ever wanted to become was a "grown up adult".
We wanted freedom from our parents controlling us and it seemed so unfair when they didn't let us do what we want, but who knew we would miss that.
I want to go back to no sadness but just laughter
Where everyone just lives happily ever after and where nobody wants to hurt anyone intentionally.
The times when we could just play with dolls and soft toys. The times when we really were innocent and were happy about the small things in life .
Sometimes I really wish I could go back in time .Do you?

Childhood is the light of our life, we must keep it safe within our hearts.    
~Marinela Reka


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