The One Who Is Awake Gets The Desired Knowledge

~Bhavyta Anand

We as individuals generally are so engrossed in things of everyday life that we miss seeing the essence of life in perspective. 

Knowledge enables us to relate to those things.

The whole world is realised only through knowledge. There is no parallel to knowledge. By knowledge we do not mean acquisition of huge quantum of information or memorizing certain texts. Mere rendition or recitation of profound texts does not make one knowledgeable,unless one has internalised it; imbibed it and is effectively making a difference to one's personal and social being 

Virtue and wisdom must "adorn the human soul "and transform learning,which is sterile and rudimentary into knowledge. The people who are in tune with themselves and understand their capacities and capabilities are said to be 'wide awake' and reap the award of coming out successful in life. They have the sensibility to understand the vastness of knowledge.
But as one keeps on gaining knowledge, one comes to realise that there is so much more that one is ought to know .

The scope of knowledge is so vast that even if one spends an entire lifetime,one cannot master the entire knowledge present in the world .That is why more the knowledge one acquires , more humble one tends to become.

Our life is a beautiful opportunity given to us by God and we ought to make the best of it. We must make an endeavor to ensure that each experience is a learning experience for all of us.let us expand the realms of our existence by being open to everything and attached to nothing!

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  1. In the truest sense: eye-opening content!

  2. Read it for the third time. The level of inspiration I get is still the same.


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