Team Flash Saved Nash Wells, But Might Have Made Matters Worse


In the latest episode of The Flash( The Flash Season 6 Episode 15: The Exorcism Of Nash Wells), the Myth buster Nash Wells body had been taken over by The Flash’s arch-nemesis The Reverse Flash(Eobard Thawne).
After the DC Crossover Event ‘Crisis On Infinite Earths', Nash Wells began to see visions of other versions of Wells from other parallel universes. Because all the Earths had merged into one, all the versions of Wells also merged and are all in the mind of the Wells who was on Earth-1 i.e Nash Wells. That meant that Eobard Thawne(also a Wells) merged into Nash. After that, Nash Wells began having visions of other Wells. First, it was Harry Wells, then it was Sherloque Wells and then it came to The Reverse Flash. Reverse Flash with his tricks took over Nash’s body.Luckily, Team Flash came up with a plan to save Nash. The process was full of hiccups and dead-ends but the team finally managed to exorcise Thawne from Nash. But when he left Nash’s body it was in the form of a red lightning.This means that Thawne’s energy has been released into the atmosphere. He is still out there somewhere and can possess someone else. Otherwise he would have to find a way to put himself back together without the act of possession.
If Thawne does possess someone, who do you think it will be?
Let us know in the comments.


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