Problem has a solution within its !


Problem ?Do you know what exactly problem means ? There are so many problems in life ! There are different  type of problems..No one can imagine that if someone say this is my problem..And some people think after hearing that problem  “ aisi bhi problem hoti hai kya”. Everyone wants solution for their problem. Some people ask suggestions from other or some solve it by themself.  

Life without problems is like a school without lessons. Sometimes some problems changes the person’s life and sometimes it changes the person itself .  
We all stay tensed because of some problems. Problems make one tougher ... If you experience each and every situation and problem in will be able to solve your problem and others problem within a second.Some people share their problems to the people whom they believe that they can help them and some may not. If we understand what’s the cause of the problem so it’s sure we can find its solution too. We should remember that problems should not take over our senses and mind . Our mind should have control over it. Some problems if not solved by a long period of time may destroy the person badly. But remember what I said earlier Life without problems is like a school without lesson , it’s like a mobile without a sim or a human being without brain. There are temporary things like listening music by which we used to ignore the problems. But permanent is be yourself.. Some problems are like when someone say something wrong about you or anyone and you get tensed and create a fight .. It varies from people to people.No one can imagine how many problems are there.And now let’s come to what is the solution! So first of all remember “ Logon ka kaam hai .. Log toh kheynge” If you understand this line..your 15 percent of problem is solved ! Solution is within  the problems..Solve the problem as soon as possible otherwise it will be difficult to handle it .. Be positive Be Happy..

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