Life always give a second chance


Life! What is Life? All of us want that in their life there should be happiness. The people who live happily suffer when they go through a dark phase, they get lost in it. And it takes time to come out of it and it is said that “Time is a great healer “ Everyone has their own strength and weakness. All of us had studied about word “ Noun “. The noun means the name of a place, thing or person. No one in our childhood told a very precious thing about the noun . And even none of you know. Noun always gives sadness or hurt in one way or another. For example,  you are asking ice cream from your parents and you didn’t get it, most of you get sad. Another example, when someone is attached to a place and then they get a transfer so it hurts badly. And when you lose your close friends it also gives hurt. So this is a truth of life.  
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 Everyone has different thoughts. If someone understands what life is, he/she can live independently but it’s up to him or her to have support from friends. Everyone wants a second chance in his or her life from one person from whom the chance has been lost or from another..even I and many other people in this world want. Always remember this quote by Walt Whitman “ Keep your face always towards the sunshine and Shadow will fall behind you “. And there is another truth of life that most of the people don’t know that from where happiness is, we can’t get happiness from other people, our happiness is in us, we are ourselves the reason for our happiness. And another thing is that never ever always talk about urself to others.  Once the person understands himself/herself, he/she understands what is life.  Many of us say “ sachai sbko kadwi lagti hai “ and yes it’s true. At last, Life always gives a second chance and you will get it. Love the life you live

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