History Of the Iron Man


The character we all know as Iron Man was co – created by writer and editor Stan Lee, developed by scripter Larry Lieber and designed by artists Son Heck and Jack Kirby.The character made it’s first appearance in Tales of Suspense #69 in March 1963 and received his own title in Iron Man #1 in May 1968.Tony Stark ( a.k.a Iron Man ) is mechanical engineering genius .At 21 he took over to his father’s company and launched it into a highly successful corporation. During a test of new technology in Vietnam Tony was hit by a piece of shrapnel from a booby trap. The shrapnel was lodged bear his heart and without help , Tony would die .There , he was captured by a communist leader and imprisoned , forced to make weapons for the over lord . Also imprisoned with him was Professor Ho Yinsen , a renowned physicist . Together they built Tony’s first armor .
Professor Yinsen even made the chest plate of the armour with a device to help Tony’s heart keep beating. Tony used the armour to escape , although in the process Professor Yinsen sacrificed his life to charge the device in 
Tony’s chest to it’s full capacity . Tony managed to escape with James Rhodes and returned to America to become apart of avengers , taking his father’s teachings of giving back to the world and using his armour to aid mankind .


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